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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Four Weight Loss Tips to Help You in Your Diet

1) Try to have a clear idea of how many calories you need per week. Consider your metabolism and the sport and work activities you do in a week. Once you have the number, take off 500 calories and that will be you weekly limit. About 70 calories less per day is the ideal way to lose weight at the right pace for the body.

2) Same rule, but from the other point of view: do not lose weight too quickly. Actually, you should forget the phrase "lose weight" altogether. The weight you lose could be water or muscles. If the water you lose is in excess, it is a good thing, otherwise it will be naturally taken back by the body. Losing muscles is actually dangerous. Replace "lose weight" with "lose fat", that is what you really need to get rid of. Besides, the less you eat, the lower your metabolism will be.

3) Our body needs fat, it is one of the main macronutrients, and about 15% of our calories intake should come from it. Reduce it intake but do not eliminate it altogether, choose vegetable rather than animal fat.

4) Burn at least 300 calories per day with work or sport activities. Ideally you should work out 6 days per week, three of aerobic work out and three of weight workout. Aerobic workout is important to burn calories, whereas weights help increase muscles and increase metabolism level. This in turn is like having a car with a more powerful engine, which will need more fuel (= calories) to work.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Foods For Women

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